We were grateful to be able to welcome the newest Mitchell Scholars to the Mitchell Institute Family last Saturday, August 8, over Zoom. In normal times, this event would be held at the Wells Conference Center on the University of Maine’s campus in Orono; we were thrilled to still be able to connect with 67… Read more »
News & Events
Introducing the 2020 Mitchell Scholars
The Mitchell Institute is proud to announce the 2020 recipients of the Mitchell Scholarship. The newest Mitchell Scholars represent every community in Maine, and will receive a $10,000 scholarship over the course of their post-secondary educations. 2020 marks our 25th year of awarding scholarships to deserving Maine students. While the money is of course important,… Read more »
Mitchell Institute Statement on Commitment to Racial Equity
Here at the Mitchell Institute, our mission is to increase the likelihood that young people from every community in Maine will aspire to, pursue, and achieve a college education. This is only possible when all people have an equitable chance to thrive, when Black lives are valued, respected, and celebrated. We stand with Black Lives… Read more »
The Mitchell Scholarship Application is now closed
We are excited to learn more about high school students from around the state, as we read the more than 1,400 applications that came in for the 2020 Mitchell Scholarship. Due to the application deadlines previously being extended, applicants can expect to hear decisions by early July. Learn more on our Scholarship page.
2020 Mitchell Scholarship Application Deadlines Extended!
The Mitchell Institute recognizes the substantive impact that COVID-19 is having on Maine’s public schools. Since most schools are holding classes remotely, we have extended the Mitchell Scholarship application deadlines by one month. We hope these extensions will alleviate some of the pressure that students and schools may be feeling in these extraordinary times. We… Read more »